“Statistics are like bikinis. What they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital.”
Aaron Levenstein, Business Professor at Baruch College
It’s one thing to collect and store data; it’s another to accurately decipher what the data is saying. As the quote above states, looking beyond the numbers often reveals insights and information unseen by others in your industry. This presents a distinct competitive advantage.
As we speak with more and more companies interested in leveraging data to improve their decision making, we’ve found some commonalities regardless of industry type or company size.
Whether a company feels they have too much data or not enough data the common question is, “Where do we go from here?”
The most appropriate ‘next steps’ are dependent on your current situation; the specific goals, or the obstacles you are facing. Furthermore, clarifying what IS known and what IS NOT known (about your market or its consumers) will help establish a solid starting ground.
By organizing and understanding your business world as it currently exists, you gain a better understanding of how to move forward.
With this in mind, we at MacKenzie are happy to share our DataMaze!
This is a quick, fun way to get an idea of where you might want to focus your attention. After a few simple questions, we process your responses and present you with a free white paper download relevant to your current situation.
The world of Big Data is certainly complex, and even basic statistics can be misleading if interpreted incorrectly. For over 30 years we’ve helped our clients and partner businesses leverage their data to support smarter, more accurate, and more confident decision making.
Interested to see what might help your company today? Click here to give our DataMaze a try!