Valentine’s Spending Comes Up Roses: 24 Stats and Facts

by Brent Williams on February 9, 2016 Comments Off on Valentine’s Spending Comes Up Roses: 24 Stats and Facts

Americans shelled out nearly $19 billion in 2015. “TraditionalValentine’s Day gifts are always the lead for widespread retail sales this time of year,” stated Brent Shelton, FatWallet online shopping expert. “More recently though, we’re seeing a big marketing push for smart tech as Valentine’s gifts, especially wearables, which should increase spending in excess of $20 billion in 2016.”


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Brent Williams is Brand Development Manager at MacKenzie Corporation. His optimism is contagious, and he brings a unique energy to all of his projects. While Brent carries an “outside the box” mentality, his ideas are conceptually based on his formal business education and extensive work experience as a Research Consultant for top-tier organizations such as the NFL, NBA, NHL, Red Bull USA and many others.

Brent WilliamsValentine’s Spending Comes Up Roses: 24 Stats and Facts