
5 ways to get better results from data-driven marketing

by Jenny on May 6, 2014 Comments Off on 5 ways to get better results from data-driven marketing

Digital marketers have one goal in mind: boosting sales and revenue through their company’s online presence. This laser-focused goal creates the temptation to base campaigns on short-sighted information that doesn’t address their bigger picture goals. You should instead be focused on the long-term insights you can gather about your audiences.

Too many campaigns are built on the same assumptions and result in a generated conversion lift, which only survives the duration of that single campaign. By challenging overall assumptions, not merely content, marketers learn something from each campaign, which you can apply to the next. This results in a “cumulative lift” that builds and quickly outpaces short-sighted tactical gains.

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Jenny Dinnen is President of Sales and Marketing at MacKenzie Corporation. Driven to maximize customer's value and exceed expectations, Jenny carries a can-do attitude wherever she goes. She maintains open communication channels with both her clients and her staff to ensure all goals and objectives are being met in an expeditious manner. Jenny is a big-picture thinker who leads MacKenzie in developing strategies for growth while maintaining a focus on the core services that have made the company a success. Basically, when something needs to get done, go see Jenny. Before joining MacKenzie, Jenny worked at HD Supply as a Marketing Manager and Household Auto Finance in their marketing department. Jenny received her undergrad degree in Marketing from the University of Colorado (Boulder) and her MBA from the University of Redlands.

Jenny5 ways to get better results from data-driven marketing