How To Connect Via Content Marketing

by Jenny on August 10, 2017 Comments Off on How To Connect Via Content Marketing

It’s no secret that engaging and connecting with customers are great ways for brands to foster loyalty. Although, the manner in which these connections are established and maintained is another story.

One effective way to build strong relationships with customers is through content marketing; which is more about piquing customer interest than it is about explicitly promoting a brand.

Andrew Davis, the bestselling author, and acclaimed keynote speaker, once tweeted, “Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.”

This highlights one of the secrets to establishing and maintaining strong customer-brand connections; building trust. Now the question becomes, how does a brand build trust through marketing content; especially when direct interaction with a customer over a period of time seems to be a much more effective approach?

One answer is to gain a deep understanding of customers beyond transactional data to identify exactly what they want from a brand. More times than not a customer’s needs extend far beyond the product or service being offered, and this is where the element of trust begins to play a factor.

When brands can satisfy underlying, intangible customer needs while at the same time offering a product or service that benefits their daily life, a relationship starts to build. Trust becomes the foundation of this relationship, so the value proposition and path-to-purchase is more of an experience than it is a traditional practice of supply and demand.

The aforementioned transactional data is indeed beneficial when seeking to understand purchase patterns, shopping behaviors and popular products. However, it takes a much more personal and strategic approach to understand the person behind the purchase. So to create meaningful content for a successful content marketing campaign, the best approach is to communicate directly with customers to find out specifically what it is they’re looking for.

Through strategic Voice of Customer projects, or a closed-loop customer feedback platform, brands can place a finger on the pulse of what resonates with their target consumer groups. By identifying specific customer interests, when and how they prefer to engage with brands, and how products or services fit into their daily lives, brands are equipped with detailed information to support the creation of marketing content specifically designed to speak on a personal level.

Outdoor lifestyle e-retailer is a great example of how content marketing can drive revenue. By understanding that some outdoor lifestyle customers want recommendations and manufacturer backstories along with product specs, each product offers creative storytelling and social commentary. As a result, Huckberry has become a trusted source for many customers seeking a more personalized experience.

It all started by first understanding customers beyond the transaction, and then developing impactful marketing content to deliver on what customers said they wanted.

For more on and its use of strategic content marketing, CLICK HERE.


If you’d like to discuss how your brand can benefit from a content marketing campaign, give us a shout.

For over 30 years we’ve equipped brands with the data-driven insights they need to fully understand their customers and build lasting relationships based on trust.

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Jenny Dinnen is President of Sales and Marketing at MacKenzie Corporation. Driven to maximize customer's value and exceed expectations, Jenny carries a can-do attitude wherever she goes. She maintains open communication channels with both her clients and her staff to ensure all goals and objectives are being met in an expeditious manner. Jenny is a big-picture thinker who leads MacKenzie in developing strategies for growth while maintaining a focus on the core services that have made the company a success. Basically, when something needs to get done, go see Jenny. Before joining MacKenzie, Jenny worked at HD Supply as a Marketing Manager and Household Auto Finance in their marketing department. Jenny received her undergrad degree in Marketing from the University of Colorado (Boulder) and her MBA from the University of Redlands.

JennyHow To Connect Via Content Marketing