If you have a marketplace for prospective customers, the best way to profit is by effectively targeting your sales approach so you are talking to the right company and/or person. This requires more than basic industry knowledge, you also need to know the right companies to approach, the right people to talk to, and the best way to be persuade them. Sales and marketing professionals in small and medium enterprises can leverage the power of cloud-based and big data tools to effectively bring their message across. Manually doing research might be tedious and time-consuming, but as Business Intelligence and automation evolves, it promises to change all that.
Leveraging Social Media has also become another platform / tool to leverage. The social network for business professionals, LinkedIn, can be valuable for targeting prospects. Building out a profile that scores a 100% completion, seed your network with the advanced search tools, join discussion groups, and actively participate in topics posted on the forum are great ways to leverage the network. Check out this full article on how to increase Lead Generation as technology continues to evolve.